A 32-year-old Ecuadorian woman was sentenced in the United States to life imprisonment for abandon and let his daughter, a 16-month-old baby, die, for going on vacation. The case was classified by the judge as “pure horror.”

According to investigators, little Jailyn’s screams echoed for several days on the quiet streets of Cleveland in June of last year. Her mother, Kristel Candelario, was miles away, taking a vacation. The result of the heartless decision was the death of the baby.

“This 16-month-old baby was left alone in a pen for 11 days without food, maybe milk, the clothes she was wearing and the diaper she was wearing. calendar “She gave more importance to a vacation in Puerto Rico with her boyfriend than to the health, safety and well-being of her own daughter.”said Teresa Gómez, Cleveland Police Sergeant.

According to the investigation, upon arriving from her vacation, the woman tried to put up a facade. He dressed Jailyn in clean clothes and then called 911.

“We saw his eyes sunken and wide open, they were the result of severe dehydration. She had dirt in her mouth and fingernails. It wasn’t until the next day that detectives learned that the dirt was actually feces,” said Cleveland Police Sergeant Teresa Gomez.

A month ago Candelario pleaded guilty and in the last hours A judge handed down a sentence: life imprisonment without the possibility of parole.

Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/condenan-a-mujer-que-abandono-a-su-hija-bebe-y-la-dejo-morir-por-irse-de-vacaciones-horror-puro-rg10

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