“Hthere is a great imbalance in artillery capacity [da Ucrânia] and this void must be filled”, said Josep Borrell, at the entrance to an informal meeting of EU defense ministers, in Brussels.

The EU High Representative for Security Policy also warned that it is necessary to know where the 27 are “in the supply of ammunition”.

In March 2023, the community bloc announced, through Josep Borrell, its intention to acquire one million 155mm ammunition in 12 months, to replenish the storage of EU countries and to continue supporting Ukraine.

In November last year, just over 300,000 munitions were secured and at the beginning of January this year the Portuguese Minister of Foreign Affairs, João Gomes Cravinho, admitted that the EU would miss the March 2024 deadline.

Ukraine needs artillery ammunition to continue repelling Russian troops, but European countries have rapidly depleted stockpiles.

Since today’s meeting is informal, there are no forecasts for decisions, but EU countries will also address the coalition of member states that will participate in the mission in the Red Sea to accompany cargo ships, which in recent weeks have been targeted by militias. Huthis – who justify the attacks with the Israeli military incursion into the Palestinian enclave of the Gaza Strip.

Read Also: Russia says Ukrainian drone attack killed two in Donetsk

Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2492094/desequilibrio-no-stock-de-municoes-de-kyiv-tem-de-ser-preenchido

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