OThe Israelis accepted a principle of agreement, which includes a six-week ceasefire in Gaza, as well as the release by Hamas of hostages considered vulnerable, including the sick, injured, elderly and women, said the official, cited by the Associated Press agency.
“The Israelis basically signed up to the elements of the agreement,” the official said. “Right now, the ball is in Hamas’ court and we continue to push as hard as possible,” he added.
The leader asked journalists to remain anonymous because he was not authorized to publicly discuss the details of the ongoing ceasefire negotiations.
Since October 7th, the date of the attack by the Islamic extremist movement Hamas on Israel, Gaza has been the scene of violent clashes, with an invasion of Israeli troops to try to rescue the dozens and hostages still trapped.
Read Also: Biden hopes ceasefire in Gaza will be achieved by Ramadan
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Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2513371/israel-concordou-com-cessar-fogo-decisao-cabe-agora-ao-hamas-dizem-eua