Colombia is preparing for a fascinating astronomical spectacle that will take place between the night of March 24 and 25: a penumbral lunar eclipse. This phenomenon, although subtle, is highly appreciated by astronomy lovers. Howevernot everyone will have the opportunity to witness it due to geographical limitations.

What is a penumbral lunar eclipse?

This astronomical phenomenon manifests itself when the Moon passes through the Earth’s penumbral shadow, resulting in a subtle but noticeable darkening of its surface. Unlike a total eclipse, the Moon does not completely immerse itself in the darkest threshold shadow of the Earth, so it does not acquire a characteristic reddish tone.

To observe the penumbral lunar eclipse does not require sophisticated astronomical equipment. However, it is recommended to look for places with dark skies and away from artificial light pollution for better viewing. For those who cannot attend it due to their geographical location, various astronomical organizations and websites will offer live broadcasts, allowing the event to be enjoyed virtually.

Where will the Lunar Eclipse on March 25 be seen from?

The eclipse will be visible from various regions, covering America, Western Europe, Western Africa, Eastern Asia, part of Australia, as well as regions of the Pacific, Atlantic, Arctic and Antarctica. This celestial event will last 4 hours and 53 minutes, a period during which you can enjoy its splendor in the sky.

The times to witness this phenomenon vary depending on the geographical location. For example, in Argentina and Chile, the eclipse will begin at 01:53, reach its peak at 04:12 am and end at 06:33 am Colombia and Peru, for their part, will experience the peak of the eclipse at 02:12 am In Mexico, this climax will occur at 01:12 am, while in Miami and New York it will be at 03:12 am


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