A major fire broke out in a recycling company, including for batteries, in Offenbach, southern Hesse, on Sunday evening. Several smaller explosions were heard. Nothing was initially known about injuries. According to reports, a warehouse and parts of the outdoor area burned.

A column of smoke could be seen for miles, including in neighboring Frankfurt. The Offenbach fire brigade is deployed with a large contingent in the east of the city, it said. You will be supported by fire engines from the surrounding area. The city spokesman spoke of a total of 250 emergency services, including those from the Federal Agency for Technical Relief (THW).

“We also have two water cannons that came straight from the Eintracht Frankfurt vs. Darmstadt 98 Bundesliga game. They have a good amount again,” said the spokesman.

Bahn has meanwhile stopped train services on the route to Frankfurt

Due to the major fire, there were diversions in long-distance and local traffic for about an hour on the train. In the meantime, however, everything is going according to plan again, said a railway spokesman shortly after 10 p.m.

According to the city, about 20 people from nearby houses had left them as a precaution. All pollutant measurements have been negative so far, but measurements will continue, it said. According to the information, there had already been a fire in the company.

The police said residents in Offenbach were asked to keep windows and doors closed. Because of the company’s location, no major road closures were necessary, a spokeswoman said. As soon as it is possible, the fire investigation team of the criminal police will start their work.

Local residents report explosion – videos show huge cloud of smoke

The control center in Offenbach had also triggered Katwarn: “Due to a major fire in a commercial establishment on Mühlheimer Strasse, a thick column of smoke is visible. The fire brigade is on duty. Explosions can be heard.”

“We are still in the chaos phase,” said a fire department employee. A police spokesman said residents in Offenbach were asked to keep windows and doors closed.

On the “X” platform, local residents share video footage of a huge cloud of smoke and reports of an explosion. According to “Bild”, the battery recycling company’s production hall is on fire for the third time in two years.

The fire brigade was able to prevent further spread. By midnight, around 250 emergency services were busy extinguishing the flames. According to the information, about 30 emergency services breathed in smoke gas due to a sudden change in wind. They were taken to a hospital for protection. So nobody was injured. The enormous clouds of smoke that had spread over the east of the city in the evening settled over the course of the night, the spokesman said. There is still smoke on site.

The pollutant measurements were all negative, it said. Some residents complained of burning eyes and scratchy throats and a strong odor. However, these are the usual irritations that smoke can cause, it said. According to the measurements, however, there was no danger from the burning of batteries on the site. No toxic pollutants would have spread.

Source: https://www.focus.de/panorama/welt/wir-sind-noch-in-der-chaosphase-grossbrand-in-offenbach-anwohner-sollen-fenster-schliessen_id_202368639.html

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