The Venezuelan opposition leader Maria Corina Machado This Saturday he overcame obstacles on his trip to Valencia, Carabobo state, where He led a campaign event alongside presidential candidate Edmundo González Urrutia, ahead of the July 28 elections.

During his journey, Machado faced two closures of the highway to Valencia, which generated a heavy traffic jam and the presence of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB)which reported maintenance work on the road, according to the EFE agency.

The former MP, through X, stressed that, despite the Government’s attempts to block the highway, She managed to advance with the help of motorcyclists and the support of sympathizers who cheered her and expressed their support for González Urrutiathe candidate of the Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD), the main opposition bloc.

How did you get there?

After crossing One section on foot and another on motorcycle In order to overcome the highway closure, the security forces finally allowed the vehicles to pass.

A witness to the incident, a 37-year-old teacher who preferred to remain anonymous, described the measure as “inhumane” on the part of the Government, considering that it reflects a fear on the part of the authorities who, according to her, “they know they are defeated.”

In recent months, the PUD has denounced multiple interruptions in Machado’s travels by security forces, accusing the Government of trying to hinder his participation in campaign events in support of González Urrutia.

In the upcoming elections on July 28, President Nicolás Maduro will seek a third consecutive termwhile nine other candidates are competing for put an end to the long period of Chavista government, in power since 1999 and has been accused of opportunism during the election campaign.


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