“Jovens, look for the truth in everything without letting yourself be influenced by current trends or common thinking, by ‘likes’ [gostos] or by `followers´ [seguidores] on the social networks. These are not the most important things because, in fact, relying too much on them can take away our freedom,” he said.

The Pope also told them not to be afraid, when necessary, to change and accept opinions and ways of thinking different from their own in everything that is not essential, always being available to listen and argue.

As for education, Francisco warned them that ignorance generates fear and fear generates intolerance, so he asked them to study as a team and with motivation.

“In fact, knowledge grows by sharing it with others. We study to grow and growing means maturing together, learning new things and dialoguing with each other, with God, with teachers, with other educators, with parents and with anyone think differently”, he concluded.

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Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2494734/papa-pede-aos-jovens-para-nao-se-deixarem-influenciar-pelos-likes

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