“NThere is no way to provide a strong defense without a strong defense industry,” Jens Stoltenberg stressed during the meeting, organized on the occasion of the NATO Summit in Washington.

Stoltenberg was convinced that the Alliance could play to its strengths when it comes to “increasing demand for long-term contracts”, which is the way to give the military industry security to increase its production.

During the event, Stoltenberg recalled that the allies will sign a new defense industrial commitment that will contribute to making this sector, both in Europe and North America, “stronger, more innovative and more capable of producing at the level of circumstances”.

First, this pact is based on increasing defense spending and, second, on “spending better, spending more together.”

“Partly to ensure we are able to sign large, long-term contracts and partly to ensure we are able to utilise economies of scale by working together,” he added.

The Norwegian politician stressed the importance of the Alliance being able to maintain interoperability and fill gaps such as those revealed by the war in Ukraine, which showed that stockpiles in arsenals were “very small” and industrial production capacity “very scarce.”

“We are totally dependent on you, because you actually provide and produce the capabilities that we need. The weapons, the ammunition, the systems that we need to have a strong defense,” he emphasized, addressing representatives of the military industry.

Stoltenberg also asked that the industry simultaneously take into account the limitations that governments, its main customers, have when making military investments.

Also today, during a meeting with the United States Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, Jens Stoltenber publicly thanked the President of the United States, Joe Biden, for his “leadership” in the major decisions that the Atlantic Alliance has taken in recent years.

The message of support comes at a time when the Democratic politician is increasingly questioned at home for his poor performance in the last election debate and when many allies fear that Republican Donald Trump will return to the White House.

NATO Secretary General outlined three central topics for the Washington Summit: boosting member states’ defense and allied deterrence; supporting Ukraine’s efforts to defend itself, which he called “the most urgent task” of the Atlantic Alliance; and continuing to strengthen NATO’s global partnerships “especially in the Indo-Pacific”, having invited the leaders of Australia, Japan, New Zealand and South Korea to the meeting.

The support package for Ukraine – which is expected to set annual aid from allies at 40 billion euros per year – will also involve NATO taking on the task of coordinating the military aid that this country receives to defend itself from the Russian invasion, as well as training initiatives for its forces, through a command led by a three-star general and with around 700 people working at a NATO headquarters in Germany.

Read Also: NATO signs $647 million contract for US Stinger missiles

Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2595410/stoltenberg-promete-a-industria-militar-mais-contratos-de-longo-prazo

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