The Joe Biden administration acknowledged that the Aragua Train has expanded its criminal network by all of South America and now reaches Central America and the United States.

>>> You may also be interested in: Aragua Train: US offers up to $12 million for its leaders

That concern led the United States to offer a reward of 12 million dollars, approximately 48 billion pesos, for information leading to its three main leaders.

Francisco Palmieri, United States ambassador, stated: “It is a transnational criminal organization which contributes to fear and confusion, and is an obstacle for the population of Colombia and our region.”

Through a letter, the United States Department of State announced the reward of $5 million for alias Niño Guerrero, the main leader; $4 million for alias Johan Petrica and $3 million for alias Giovanny.

Who is the member of the Aragua Train who was extradited to Venezuela?

Meanwhile, Niño Guerrero’s brother was extradited from Spain to Venezuela. He is also member of this organization dedicated to human trafficking, homicides, extortion, illegal mining and drug trafficking.

General William Salamanca, Director General of the National Police, said that “we are weakening it. Where intelligence tells us and speaks to us about its presence, information that the community has provided uswhich has been of vital importance, the Police acts with the Prosecutor’s Office.”

The US government also included the Aragua Train on the Clinton List.

>>>You can also read: Three alleged hitmen from the Aragua Train who allegedly killed a former police officer were arrested


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