A 43-year-old Spanish tourist was in the Pilanesberg National Park in South Africa when he was trampled to death by elephants. According to reports from the authorities, The man had gotten out of his vehicle to take photos, but was attacked by the animals.

The victim died on Sunday morning, July 7, in the tourist area, about 200 kilometers northwest of Johannesburg, park officials said.

The deceased was accompanied by his fiancée and two women in a private car inside the reserve when they saw three elephants and three calves, police reported.

What else did authorities say about the man who was trampled to death?

“Information suggests that the man stopped the vehicle, got out and approached the elephants to take photographs,” said police spokesman Sabata Mokgwabone.

“The elephants allegedly attacked and killed him,” he stated.

The North West Provincial Parks and Tourism Board (NWPTB), which manages Pilanesberg, He claimed that it was an elephant that attacked the man.

“Unfortunately, he was unable to escape or elude the elephant, which was joined by the entire herd, and he was overtaken and trampled to death,” he added.

“The elephants immediately moved away from the scene without any aggression towards nearby vehicles and They finally disappeared into the bushes,” continuous.

Pieter Nel, director of conservation for the North West Provincial Parks and Tourism Board, He said the mother of the pack was “agitated” when she saw the tourist approaching. and explained that it is “normal” to see elephants trying to “defend the young.”

“Many tourists are unaware of the dangers and do not realize how dangerous these animals can be,” Nel explained to AFP.

According to Sabata Mokgwabone and Pieter Nel, the deceased man was Spanish. His companions, all from Johannesburg, were unharmed, police said.

Elephant attacks are frequent in the region. In neighbouring Zimbabwe, 50 people were killed and 85 injured by wild animals, mostly elephants, last year, according to local authorities.

Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/turista-murio-pisoteado-por-una-manada-de-elefantes-al-intentar-tomarles-fotos-cb20

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