O President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, stated this Friday that Ukraine’s “enemy attacks” on the day of Russian presidential elections “will not go unpunished”. At issue are bombings on civilian targets in the Belgorod and Kursk regions, close to the border, where, according to the head of state, 2,500 soldiers tried to enter Russian territory.

“In order to disrupt the voting process and intimidate people, at least in the border areas, the Kyiv regime is trying to carry out a series of criminal actions, attacking civilian settlements”Putin told members of the Russian Security Council, cited by the Reuters news agency.

“These enemy attacks will not go unpunished”he assured.

According to Putin, 95% of the projectiles or missiles were shot down by Russian air defenses. However, there were civilian casualties.

“I am sure that our people, the people of Russia, will respond to this situation with even greater solidarity. Who did they decide to intimidate? The Russian people?”added the head of state.

The Russian presidential elections began this Friday and run until Sunday, March 17, the first time they have been held over three days.

However, the elections are seen as a mere formality with an anticipated winner, with only candidates classified as friendly towards the Kremlin (presidency) being authorized: Nikolai Kharitonov, from the Communist Party, Leonid Slutsky, from the nationalist Liberal Democratic Party, and Vladislav Davankov from the New People’s Party.

Read Also: Bomb explodes near polling station in occupied Ukraine

Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2522062/ucrania-ataques-inimigos-nao-ficarao-impunes-alerta-putin

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