“FThis is an incredibly undemocratic process,” said US State Department spokesman Vedant Patel.

Given this assessment, the spokesman said that the Kremlin should not expect a statement of congratulations on Putin’s victory from the White House.

“I think I can say there probably won’t be a congratulatory phone call from the United States,” Patel said.

The spokesperson also criticized the fact that no effective rival of Putin was able to stand for elections, in the face of a regime that represses all dissenting voices.

“Russians deserve free and fair elections and the ability to choose from a pool of candidates that represents a large, diverse panel of opinions,” said Patel.

Russia’s Central Election Commission reported that with nearly 100% of all electoral districts counted, Putin won 87.29% of the vote.

The head of the Central Election Commission, Ella Pamfilova, said that almost 76 million voters voted for Putin, equivalent to more than 87% of the votes, the highest level in a presidential vote in the country.

The presidential elections began on Friday and ended on Sunday.

Read Also: Russian opponent in exile denounces “massive falsification” in elections

Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2523650/eua-denunciam-processo-incrivelmente-antidemocratico-na-russia

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