“QWhen our soldiers expelled Russia from Bucha, Irpin, Borodianka, the entire Kyiv region and then the Sumi region and the Chernikov region, everyone could see that these were victories not only of courage and Ukrainian weapons, but also human morality,” Zelensky wrote on his Telegram channel.

“May the whole world never forget the price of this battle and the evil that we are fighting here, in our land (…)”, he added.

The Social Communication Center of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense also mentioned, in the same application, that two years ago today the Ukrainian defenders freed Bucha from the Russian invaders and that, on April 1st, the last Russian units left Gostomel.

It was at Gostomel airfield that Russian troops landed on February 24, 2022 with the initial idea of ​​quickly taking the Ukrainian capital from there.

The battle for control of the airport lasted until the last days of March 2022. During the fighting, the largest plane in the world, the AN-225 “Mriya”, which was in the hangar, was destroyed.

According to the Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine, in the Bucha district alone, during the 33 days of occupation, Russian soldiers committed more than 9,000 war crimes and killed more than 1,400 civilians, including 37 children.

To this day, Russia continues to deny the massacre and even imposes prison sentences on those who report the massacre on social media.

As a result of hostilities, more than 26,000 residential buildings were damaged, of which 5,000 were completely destroyed.

Read Also: Zelensky fires more advisors and longtime top advisor

Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2531376/vitoria-zelensky-assinala-2-anos-da-retirada-das-tropas-russas-de-kyiv

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