A particular birth in Mexico has captured the attention of millions on social networks. A baby, the son of Haitian migrants, brought forward his birth in mid-flight. A doctor, who was traveling on the aircraft, and some members of the crew attended the birth.

The birth occurred on a plane going from Mexico City to Ciudad Juárez. Some passengers shared videos on social networks showing a doctor who was traveling on the aircraft and the flight crew. Aeromexico Airlines assisting the woman’s birth.

“A pillar of this are the flight attendants, they take training for these situations. We see today’s case, what happened, they knew how to handle the emergency,” said Sebastián Estrada, pilot.

The mother and baby are healthy. Upon arrival at the Ciudad Juárez International Airport, they were transferred to a hospital to receive medical attention. The little one was born within the framework of the airline’s 90th anniversary, so the newborn received an unexpected gift, The airline invited him to fly 90 times for free.

It is worth mentioning that the rules for pregnant women to board depend on each airline, but the international recommendation is not to fly after week 36.

On this topic, Sebastián Estrada stated that “From one to 32 weeks of pregnancy, no medical certificate is needed to travel. What happens after 33 weeks? “Then the airline can now request a medical certificate where the doctor says or attests that there will be no risk on the flight.”

This baby adds to the estimate of more than 70 births in the history of commercial flights.

Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/mujer-dio-a-luz-en-pleno-vuelo-y-el-video-se-hizo-viral-tiernas-imagenes-del-bebe-rg10

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