In Mexico, there is expectation about the formation of the cabinet of the first elected president. Until now, Claudia Sheinbaum confirmed that she will keep Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s Finance Minister in office. The official spoke in an attempt to calm the markets after the fall in the Mexican stock market.

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As soon as the National Electoral Institute ratifies Claudia Sheinbaum as president-elect of Mexico, the scientist will begin the transition stage alongside the outgoing president and her political mentor, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

“As soon as I am elected president, we will surely meet “We’re going to make a plan.”said López Obrador.

AMLO evaded questions about the new cabinet. So far, it is only known that Sheinbaum, who today received congratulations and support from the Chinese Government, will keep Rogelio Ramírez de la O in his position as Minister of Finance, as he had promised during the campaign.

Through a statement, the official tried to calm the nervousness of international organizations and investors after the collapse in the Mexican stock market and the fall of the Mexican peso by 4.36% against the dollar. He assured that the policies of the new Government will have as a priority macroeconomic stability, reduction of public debt and financial discipline.

Meanwhile, the main opposition force, the National Action Party, reiterated that together with former presidential candidate Xóchitl Gálvez it will challenge the results of the general elections. They assure that the elections were neither clean nor legitimate.

The international analyst of Noticias Caracol, María Teresa Aya, spoke about the panorama after the elections in Mexico.

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“Continuity with its own stamp was one of the mottos that Claudia Sheibaum had during her campaign. The president and AMLO are supporters of the fourth transformation of Mexico, in which they want a country with less poverty and more social equity“, indicated the specialist.

The analyst pointed out that a large investment was made in social public policies in which the agricultural sector was prioritized, but this has meant that today Mexico is in debt for close to 40% of its GDP. “Which could cause Sheinbaum to have to carry out a tax reform and There we will have to move a little to the center to achieve that consensus.”

The panorama in Latin America

“We see that today four of the five largest economies in the region have left-wing governments. We are talking about Brazil, Mexico, Chile and Colombia, which, added to Honduras and Guatemala, are a moderate left. Progressive, compared to what may be a more radical left in Bolivia, Venezuela, Nicaragua and Cuba. His relations are going to be with that more moderate left that we see in Latin America. Although it must be said that all Mexican foreign policy goes through the filter of the United States first,” said María Teresa Aya.

What will your relationship with the US be like?

“That relationship is going to be difficult. They are going to want to see actions, changes, results on the southern border and that means that the relationship has to be easy or difficult, but it will always be competitive, the good happens and the bad happens,” Aya concluded.


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