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In summer, the aperitif is sacred. To change from the traditional cheese or cold cuts board, spreads are becoming more and more popular. We find hummus or guacamole. Otherwise, you can also bet on… rillettes.

Generally, we opt for tuna or salmon rillettes. But know that you have the possibility to turn to a vegetarian alternative. Precisely, this is what we offer you today with our zucchini rillettes. As it is grated, we find the texture in filaments characteristic of this charcuterie specialty. Very easy to make, they will seduce your guests for sure.

So here’s how to make them at home.

The advantage of this recipe is that it is particularly quick to prepare since it only takes 10 minutes. In addition, you will only need basic ingredients, which you probably already have in your kitchen. But know that it can be adapted according to your desires. Indeed, you can vary the spices by adding, for example, smoked paprika instead of curry. For those who do not like coriander, it is possible to replace it with basil or mint. A few lemon zests will also bring a little freshness to the preparation.

Finally, for those who would like to bring a marine taste, they will add a little tuna to their rillettes for example. It’s up to you to let your desires speak.

For the original recipe, you will need:

The best thing to do before tasting this spread is to put it in the fridge as it will be better fresh.


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