“Amorning [quarta-feira] It’s an important day”, highlighted the Ukrainian head of state, during his...
Benjamin Netanyahu explained during a meeting with foreign diplomats in Jerusalem that Israel’s war...
“AI think now is not the time for elections”, Zelensky, whose term ends on...
“NIn recent months, and especially since October 7, repeated acts of violence by settlers...
“AI believe that Israel will, for an indefinite period, have global responsibility for security...
O The UN Security Council met today, at the request of China and the...
Dand according to the New York Times/Siena College poll, the former Republican president dominates...
“LWe are pleased to announce the complete shutdown of communications and internet services in...
“ASignificant strikes are underway (…) and will continue tonight and in the coming days,”...
EIn statements to the France 2 television channel, French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin said...
O Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said this Sunday that the United States and Europe...
“VWe want to find Sinouar and eliminate him,” Gallant said at a press conference...
UA Jewish woman was stabbed in her home in Lyon, France, this Saturday, and...
“AThe Armed Forces successfully carried out attacks against the maritime and port infrastructure of...
“DSince October 7th until now, the barbaric Zionist bombing of Gaza has caused the...
O Airport in the city of Hamburg, in northern Germany, was closed to passengers...
A The storm, which moved east after hitting the Atlantic coast, caused five deaths...
“O Ukrainian president is thinking and weighing the pros and cons”, declared Dmytro Kuleba,...
Redition, 03 Nov 2023 (Lusa) — The Ukrainian Army claimed today that Russian forces...
Federico Klein joined other Trump supporters in one of the most violent episodes of...
O Nepal’s National Earthquake Monitoring and Research Center measured the earthquake at magnitude 6.4...
O PSOE, led by Pedro Sánchez, and the ERC, led by the president of...
SAccording to the EU High Representative for Foreign Policy, Moscow abandoned the treaty after...
“Rand today we removed 74 Americans with dual nationality”, announced Biden in a brief...
“OOur soldiers have completed the siege of the city of Gaza, the center of...
NDuring the call, which took place during the afternoon, the two officials addressed the...
En France, Météo-France warned of exceptional winds with gusts of around 145 km/h in...
“DGiven the high number of civilian casualties and the scale of destruction following the...
“Vor to Dubai. I think I’ll be leaving on December 1st until December 3rd....
O The earthquake occurred at a depth of 36.1 kilometers on the island to...