“A Today’s absurd decision highlights the structural partisanship of the UN and the reasons why, under the direction of its secretary-general, António Guterres, it has become an irrelevant institution”, said Israel Katz, quoted in international agencies.
The head of Israeli diplomacy stated that strengthening Palestine’s status is “a reward for Hamas terrorists” and sends the message that “violence pays.”
The UN General Assembly today approved, with overwhelming support from 143 countries, a resolution granting “additional rights and privileges” to Palestine and calling on the Security Council to favorably reconsider its request for full membership in the organization.
The draft resolution, presented by the United Arab Emirates on behalf of the Group of Arab Countries, and co-sponsored by around 40 countries, received 143 votes in favor – including from Portugal -, nine against and 25 abstentions from the 193 UN member states .
Countries such as Israel, the United States or Hungary voted against this text and among the countries that abstained are Ukraine, Italy, the United Kingdom, Germany or Canada.
Among the new rights granted to Palestinians in this resolution are to be seated among Member States in alphabetical order, to present proposals individually or on behalf of a group before the General Assembly, to request the right of reply, to make statements or to request changes to the agenda, among others.
This approval, considered the Israeli minister, “further complicates the prospects for an agreement”, since, in his opinion, this vote gives Hamas a “boost” in the negotiations.
Regarding the prospects for resuming the debate on Palestine’s accession as a full member of the UN, opened by this vote, Katz stated that “as everyone knows” the Palestinians “do not meet the criteria for being a State” and even reached to declare that “the General Assembly violated its own rules of procedure”.
“When it comes to making decisions against Israel, it appears that the General Assembly allows itself to violate its own rules,” he said.
To conclude, Katz denounced that “this political theater that is the United Nations” made an “artificial decision that is dissociated from reality, which only encourages terrorism”, before underlining that “Israel seeks a peace that can only be achieved through a direct negotiation between the parties”.
The representative of Israel’s diplomacy thanked the votes of the countries that “did not support or subscribe to this distorted decision” and “chose to place themselves on the correct side of history and morals.”
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Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2558204/israel-condena-decisao-absurda-de-alargar-direitos-da-palestina-na-onu