Chocolate and passion fruit; Do you have better marriage? Try the passion fruit brigadeiro! Why lose these little pleasures that do us so well?

Passion fruit brigadeiro


  • 1 can of condensed milk
  • ½ can of concentrated passion fruit juice
  • 3 sifted yolks
  • ½ can of sour cream
  • 1 tablespoon of wheat flour
  • Yellow granulated

Preparation mode

  1. In a pan, over low heat, stirring constantly, bring the condensed milk, passion fruit juice, the yolks, the cream, the flour, until it detached from the bottom of the pan.
  2. Put the brigadeiro in a refractory to cool.
  3. Once cold, shape in balls and go through the confection.
  4. Distribute the brigadeiro in approximately 40 paper cups.

Creamy Passion Fruit Brigadier


  • 150 grams of chopped white chocolate
  • 200 grams of chopped milk chocolate
  • 1 can of condensed milk
  • 100 ml of concentrated passion fruit juice
  • ½ cup of sour cream
  • 1 tablespoon of unsalted butter
  • 1 tablespoon of wheat flour

Preparation mode

  1. Mix white chocolate with milk chocolate. Just mix; Do not melt.
  2. Put the other ingredients in a pan and bring to low heat stirring constantly until it unglued from the bottom of the pan.
  3. Put the candy in a refractory and let cool.
  4. Model the sweets and pass them in the chopped chocolate.
  5. Put the sweets in approximately 60 paper cups.

Passion fruit brigadeiro


  • 1 can of condensed milk
  • 1 can of concentrated passion fruit juice
  • 1 tablespoon of margarine without salt
  • 50 grams of minced white chocolate
  • Lemon drops to taste
  • Yellow confectionery

Preparation mode

  1. With the exception of confectionery, bring the other ingredients to a pan over low heat, always stirring until the bottom of the pan.
  2. Make the candy in a refractory and let cool.
  3. Model the candy in balls, pass them in the confectionery and put in approximately 40 paper cups.

Passion Fruit Brigadeiro Simple


  • 1 can of condensed milk
  • 1 sifted gem
  • 1 tablespoon shallow margarine without salt
  • 3 tablespoons of passion fruit pulp

Preparation mode

  1. Make the candy with the first 3 ingredients.
  2. Add the pulp when the brigadeiro is almost ready.

Mother Tips

Approximate yield of 30 average brigadeiros.
Curiosity: In passion fruit brigadeiro it is customary to put 1 spoon (coffee) of baking soda in juice for the candy not to bear.

Oh, don’t forget to always read mother’s tips in all published recipes.

See also the brigadeiro recipe

The point of the candy: The unleashing of the pan – to get the correct point, as soon as the candy thickens, tin the pan slightly (to check the bottom of the pan) and make sure the candy runs down or disgusting from the bottom of the pan. If the candy drain at the bottom of the pan; It is not at the point. Keep stirring the candy a little more and fall off the pan to check the point. If the candy peel from the bottom of the pan without drafting; It is at the point. Each, about 5 moves in the candy; This the pan.

When we do not do the procedure described above, it is common to go from the point. When the candy cools, it results in a hard candy. This is valid for any sweet cooked as a brigadeiro, kiss, cashew,…


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