A young woman was found by a cargo ship sailing in the Pacific Ocean near Shizuoka, Japan, about 80 kilometers from the coast. The crew did not hesitate to jump into the sea to rescue her, while a coast guard helicopter arrived at the scene to take her to dry land.

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According to reports, on Tuesday, July 9, 2024, the woman was bathing on the beach and in a moment of distraction she was swept out to sea. The sea currents carried her adrift, moving her considerably away from the beach.

The coastguard launched the search and rescue operation after receiving an alert about the disappearance of a woman in her 20s. in the central region of Shizuoka, according to information collected by local media.

She was found 36 hours after being swept away by the sea

The coastguard found her on Wednesday morning, still in the float and about 80 kilometres in a straight line from the beach where she was bathing.

The woman was taken to hospital after the rescue, but did not require admission because her level of dehydration was not life-threatening.

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Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/mujer-nadaba-en-el-mar-con-un-flotador-y-la-arrastro-fue-rescatada-36-horas-despues-cb20

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