Learn how to make the traditional American shortcake. Here you will find 2 pasta options and tips for the recipe.
Ingredients 1st mass option
- 2 cups of wheat flour
- 3 tablespoons of brown sugar well compacted
- ½ tsp of salt
- 1 tablespoon of yeast in chemical powder
- 1 teaspoon grated lemon peel
- 100 grams of chilled butter cut into pieces
- 2/3 cup (tea) + 1 tablespoon milk
Preparation mode 1st mass option
- Preheat the oven at 180 ° C.
- Grease a baking sheet with butter.
- In a bowl, sift the flour with salt and yeast.
- Add lemon zest, butter, brown sugar.
- Mix with your fingers until you get a crumb.
- Add the milk and mix to turn on the dough.
- Take small portions of pasta and shape in small balls.
- Take to bake for 35 minutes or until golden brown.
- Remove, put on a grid and let cool completely.
2nd mass option ingredients
- 2 cups of wheat flour
- ½ cup of butter
- 1/3 cup demerara sugar
- 2 teaspoons of baking powder
- 1 ovo
- 1 Gema
Preparation mode 2nd mass option
- Sift the flour.
- Add butter, sugar, yeast and mix until a crumbs.
- Add the slightly mixed egg to the yolk and stir without kneading until it forms a ball.
- Remove small portions and shape without squeezing 6 pasta balls.
- Put in greased shape and bake in a previously heated oven for approximately 20 minutes.
- After cold cut them in half and stuff with whipped cream, strawberries and strawberry ice cream syrup.
Filling and coverage ingredients of the 1st mass option
- 1 and ½ kg of strawberries
- ½ teaspoon vanilla essence
- ½ cup of sugar
- 1 and ¼ cup of fresh cream well chilled
- 1 teaspoon lemon juice
- 2 tablespoons of icing sugar
Way of preparing strawberries
- Sanitize the strawberries. Drain, eliminate the cabs and leaves.
- Reserve some whole strawberries for decoration
- From the rest of the strawberries, cut them into slices and set aside ¼.
- Put the unreserved strawberries in a bowl, add sugar, vanilla essence and with the aid of a fork, mash slightly.
- Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and take to freeze for 1 hour and, in the meantime, stir the mixture from time to time.
In the previously cold mixer bowl, put the icing sugar, the cream, the lemon juice and beat until the soft peak whites.
- With the aid of a serrated knife, cut the top of the shortcake at ¼ height, forming a lid.
- Remove the lid and spread some of the macerated strawberries, also watering with some of the syrup formed in the bowl.
- Spread some of the whipped cream over the strawberries.
- Add some of the reserved strawberries.
- Cover with the pasta lid.
Mother Tips
8 Shortcakes yield for 1st mass option and 6 for the second option.
When serving, sprinkle with icing sugar.
You can choose to put all the pasta (1st mass option) in ring form. Once baked you will get a ring of shortcakes. In this case, after baked and stuffed, in the center of the ring put whipped cream and decorate with strawberries.
Source: https://www.receitasdemae.com.br/receitas/shortcake/