During her visit to Colombia at the Gabo Festival, Natalia Humeniuk, a Ukrainian journalist specializing in Foreign Policy, spoke to Noticias Caracol about the challenges of covering the war between Russia and Ukraine.

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What is a journalist doing in a country that is constantly at war?

“For me as a Ukrainian journalist, it is an opportunity to talk about what is happening in my country. An unjust war is something unfortunate that I think people in Colombia could understand. If you live in crisis, live in conflict, you can understand what really matters, what is relevant and what is not. “When you’ve been on the ledge, you’ve seen the worst in people, but also the best,” Humeniuk said.

He added: “I document war crimes and I have collected testimonies from thousands who have been tortured, detained, kidnapped, missile survivors, but it is also an inspirational war because these people persist, move forward and make their way in life.”

The journalist said that in her work “You can’t stop. You can’t get tired of the problems, tired of the war, it’s a job and you have to do it.”

How do you distance yourself as a journalist when your country is at war?

Natalia Humeniuk said: “I don’t think it’s about distancing myself. Since the war started, I went to cover the front and met opponents on both sides. Then I asked myself if everyone is emotional, so it’s not about distancing myself. The question is whether I am telling the truth and following my integrity.”

What is it like to cover war as a woman?

“We have to understand what modern warfare is and that is the war we are having in Ukraine. A technological conflict, a war of drones and artillery. It is not a direct contact war. I do not believe that war is a problem of men alone.”he indicated.

Finally, she said that “for women there are other dramas such as travelling, finding ways and feeling safe. In modern wars there are more opportunities for women and I am not saying that it is easy. If it is about field work, sometimes it is easier because people do not see you as a threat if you are a woman.”

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Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/como-es-ser-periodista-en-la-guerra-de-ucrania-mujer-que-lo-vivio-en-sangre-propia-hablo-rg10

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