The tragic incident took place in Calasca Castiglione, in the Italian Alps where the family was on holiday. Margerita Lega was with her husband and two young children, aged 5 and 7, when the fatal accident on the cable car occurred.

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According to reports from the Daily Mail, while Margerita was carrying the luggage towards the cabin where they were staying, The cable car was launched from the top of the mountain, the cable got tangled in her clothes and she was trapped.

Despite desperate efforts to free himself, The woman was lifted to a height of 150 meters before falling into the void and dying instantly.

The response of emergency teams after the tragedy in the cable car

More than 100 emergency teams, including firefighters and mountain rescuers, They responded to the call and carried out a complex operation to recover the woman’s body using a helicopter and expert climbers.

The recovery of Margerita’s body was a complicated operation due to the difficult accessibility of the place.

The family, deeply affected by the tragedy, is receiving psychological support while trying to process what happened.

Italian authorities have launched an investigation to determine the circumstances of the accident. and verify compliance with safety regulations in the operation of the cable car, which has been temporarily closed.

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