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If summer has been slow to arrive, the summer season is now in full swing and temperatures are getting higher and higher. The thermometer is now around 30 degrees. To cope with this heat, there is nothing better than drinking a lot. But be careful, there are certain mistakes to avoid.

On Instagram precisely, the doctor Jimmy Mohamed revealed the “3 mistakes to avoid when it’s very hot” especially in terms of hydration. So you will then know “The right actions to follow during the heatwave”. We tell you everything.

Often, one of the first reflexes when it is very hot is to drink very cold or even iced water. If this seems to relieve us at first glance, this gesture is not actually recommended: “It’s counterproductive” even the doctor claims. Indeed, by drinking ice water, “You will send a message that your body temperature is dropping and therefore it will cut your thirst since we have temperature receptors called thermoreceptors.”

So, the specialist is unequivocal, it is preferable to avoid drinking water that is too cold since it limits hydration, the best is to drink water at room temperature.

Coca, Fanta, or even Red Bull… Sugary fizzy drinks should be avoided. While they are not generally recommended for health, they are even more inadvisable during periods of high heat. The reason? They dehydrate. “It is absolutely not suitable for good hydration, it is diuretic so it makes you want to pee. These are empty calories. You will gain weight, be sick, it does not bring anything good”.

“Beer doesn’t hydrate at all” says Jimmy Mohamed. “You’re going to use a lot of water to flush out the alcohol and so it’s going to dehydrate you.” So whether it’s a cocktail or a beer, alcohol is not the best option.

The doctor therefore has only one recommendation for this summer: “Remember to hydrate yourself well, with water of course!”


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