A gas turbine power plant has started operation on the site of the former air base in Leipheim. However, it will not permanently generate electricity. The turbine should only start in emergencies, such as grid problems.

A new gas turbine power plant in Leipheim is intended to stabilize the power grid in the future in order to prevent possible blackouts. After phasing out nuclear power, the first facility of its kind was connected to the old air base. The special feature: The turbines can be started up within half an hour and produce up to 300 million watts. The gas turbine power plants work like a kind of big vacuum cleaner.

Energy transition: This 300 million watt system is designed to protect the grid from blackouts

Four such plants are currently being built in southern Germany. The plant in Leipheim cost 260 million euros and can also be operated with climate-neutral green hydrogen after a conversion.

The article appeared on August 1st, 2023 in the program “Abendschau – Der Sueden” by Bayerischer Rundfunk and can be looked up at any time in the media library

The original of this article “300 million watt system to protect network from blackouts” comes from Bayerischer Rundfunk.

Source: https://www.focus.de/earth/news/gasturbinenkraftwerk-300-millionen-watt-anlage-soll-netz-vor-blackouts-bewahren_id_200731433.html

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