A Police and firefighters did not immediately confirm the circumstances of this tragedy that...
“Sand if we welcome more people, we will not stop a flow that exceeds...
Erevan, 19 Sep 2023 (Lusa) – More than 7,000 civilians from 16 locations were...
O Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky met, for the first time since the start of...
Hunter Biden, son of the President of the United States, Joe Biden, will declare...
“OThe G7 members called on China to pressure Russia to stop its military aggression...
SAccording to the Italian news agency Ansa, in one city alone, Tredozio, there are...
“A China and Russia, as great world powers, have a special responsibility in maintaining...
NAccording to information previously reported by the Brazilian press, and now confirmed to Lusa,...
Abdulmenam Al Gaizi, until now mayor, was suspended a few days ago by the...
A Canadian Foreign Minister Mélanie Joly stated that the head of Indian intelligence in...
O meeting, in the last two days, took place on the island of Malta,...
Tajani reported on the social network The government official has repeatedly called on the...
A poll, by CBS/YouGov, concluded that 50% of likely voters chose Trump and 49%...
A A young Iranian Kurd, detained and beaten by Iran’s morality police for violating...
“A halfway to the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, two thirds of indicators related to...
O main advisor to the Ukrainian presidency, Mykhaylo Podolyak, dotted all the i’s with...
“A The initiative is in the hands of our soldiers, in the hands of...
“AND I need to give maximum political impetus to carry out a new operational...
O Former President of the United States, Donald Trump, said on Friday that Russia’s...
O device, a twin-engine turboprop Embraer EMB-110 ‘Bandeirante’, a plane with capacity for 21...
NIn a statement, the community institution indicated that the restrictive measures announced today follow...
OThe protests, led mainly by youth organizations, including the Fridays for Future movement, created...
Justin Trudeau was speaking at the Toronto Metro Hall, alongside the Portuguese head of...
O US President Joe Biden has asked Congress to provide up to 24 billion...
En images published on Tuesday on the official account on the social network Facebook...
UA judge from the state of Georgia, Scott McAfee, accepted that Trump and 16...
SAccording to the general secretary of the non-governmental organization, Marie el-Drese, there are over...
O Italian cardinal held a meeting in Beijing on Ukraine with the Chinese government’s...
AThe sanctions were set to expire in October, according to a timetable set out...