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As an aperitif, on a picnic or in a sandwich, sausage wins all the votes. Whether plain, with spices or dried fruits, it is essential and timeless. Once purchased, it is a matter of storing it in the right place to preserve all its flavors and texture, so that it does not become too dry or too soft! Should you put it in the vegetable drawer of the refrigerator, in a cellar or in the kitchen cupboard? And how long can we keep it? Here are our answers.
The sausage likes temperate places and does not appreciate either extreme heat or cold. The ideal is to keep it at a temperature between 12 and 20°C. Above all, avoid humidity and direct exposure to sunlight. The right option? Hang the sausage at room temperature in a cool, dry place. A cellar or storeroom, for example, is perfect. Otherwise, you can leave it in your kitchen, keeping it away from heat sources, and wrapping it in a (clean!) cloth.
If you find that the sausage is a little too soft and you want it to dry a little more, do not hesitate to place it in a well-ventilated place (for example, a crack in a window).
If it’s really hot and a heatwave is coming, the temperature in your kitchen may well exceed 20°C. If you don’t have a sufficiently cool place at home, then opt for the vegetable drawer of the refrigerator, which remains the least cold part of the appliance. It will be a lesser evil! Simply take the precaution of wrapping the sausage in a cloth to prevent it from hardening. And remember to remove it from the refrigerator 30 minutes to 1 hour before eating it, so that it regains all its flavors.
In general, we don’t wonder about it for long, because it can be quickly swallowed up! That said, know that you do not risk much by eating a sausage that has lived for several weeks, or even several months. Because this charcuterie does not have a DLC (expiration date) but rather a DDM (minimum durability date).
If you keep it in good conditions, it will remain completely consumable. The most important thing is to keep it away from humidity, the real enemy of this charcuterie! In fact, it promotes the appearance of mold