On the border, the opposition leader Maria Corina Machado invited his fellow citizens residing in Colombia to mobilize to exercise their right to vote“Take your precautions and come,” the call of politics.

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It is expected that the next On July 28, 2024, the presidential elections will be held in Venezuelawith which it will be determined who will be the president who will lead the country in the period 2025-2031.

The opposition leader María Corina Machado asked Venezuelans residing in Colombiaespecially those close to the border, to organize to return to the country and vote.

Come early enough, these guys are not going to think about closing the border a few days before, so they can’t come, come vote“said Machado, who thanked the Colombian people for the good reception they have had with more than a million Venezuelans who have had to flee the country.

During her speech, the opponent, representative of the candidate Edmundo González, recognized the work of the businessmen who remain in Venezuela.

The call to guarantee the vote of Venezuelans abroad is extended

Some days ago, The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) called on Venezuela to “guarantee the right to vote of fellow citizens who reside abroad, without distinction of their immigration status.” in view of the presidential elections in July.

In a statement, the IACHR expressed its “concern about the impediments faced by Venezuelans residing abroad in registering in the electoral registry” due to their immigration status.

These obstacles violate political rights, affect the integrity of the presidential election on July 28 and corroborate that the Electoral Branch lacks independence“, denounces the Commission, which is part of the Organization of American States (OAS).

Venezuelan consulates, following instructions from the National Electoral Council (CNE), require a resident visa as the only proof of registration in the electoral registry.

At least 7.7 million people “have been forced to leave the country since 2015” due to “the serious human rights crisis” Although it is not known how many of them are over 18 years old, some organisations estimate that around 5.5 million would be eligible to vote, the Commission explains.

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Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/elecciones-en-venezuela-maria-corina-machado-pidio-votar-a-los-migrantes-en-colombia-rg10

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