With tips, an easy-to-make blackberry muffin recipe for you to enjoy! Ingredients 1 cup...
Four people died and 16 were seriously injured. in the collapse of a bar-restaurant...
“AThe peace talks must be resumed, not with an ultimatum, but with common sense,”...
At least 14 people died in a fire in Vietnam, in a small apartment...
“O Secretary-General recalls that under the Court’s Charter and Statute, the Court’s decisions are...
The International Court of Justice (ICJ) this Friday demanded that Israel immediately stop its...
“CIt’s up to us to talk about surprises. He (Netanyahu) should expect surprises from...
See the rest of this article below Suggested video What products are in season...
On May 23, the Holy See reported that Pope Francis will canonize Carlo Acutis,...
“O Egypt urged Israel to comply with its legal obligations under the Convention for...
Three American missionaries died at the hands of armed bandits who attacked an orphanage...
O The water level of the Guaíba River, which bathes Porto Alegre, the capital...
See the rest of this article below Suggested video What products are in season...
Spice up your omelet with broccoli! In addition to being delicious, it will be...
And Thief received a tremendous beating after trying to steal some cigarettes from a...
“EAt every corner, a friend. On every face, equality.” was the favorite quote chosen...
Samuel García, the governor of the state of Nuevo León, in Mexico, reported this...
FOfficials from Switzerland, which is organizing the meeting, also stated that the Presidents of...
See the rest of this article below Suggested video What products are in season...
This Arabic sweet is truly delicious. Try it! Ingredients 2 packs of angel hair...
With a tie and a leather jacket, The president of Argentina, Javier Milei, rocked...
EIn a statement, the Israeli Army said that Hussien Fiad was one of those...
The feared Venezuelan criminal gang the Tren de Aragua was included in the list...
A Israeli deputy Sharren Haskel sent a letter to the Israeli government, demanding “the...
See the rest of this article below Suggested video What products are in season...
Recipe for success; a roulade for Christmas or even for everyday life. Check out...
UA building collapsed this Thursday in Palma de Mallorca, Spain. At least four people...
Con questa gustosissima e pratica torta a scaglie la vostra giornata sarà decisamente migliore!
The former Boston Red Sox player Austin Maddox was arrested as part of an...
The need to take a nap depends on each person and various factors, such...