A wave of Russian bombings in Ukraine left on Monday At least 37 dead...
O The Republican National Committee has approved a 20-point program for a possible second...
Venezuelan Attorney General Tarek William Saab said on Monday, July 8, 2024, that he...
“AA few times a week, he verbally consults with the doctor while he exercises,...
NThese responses, according to the non-governmental organization, are the “enactment of repressive laws, the...
The Israeli Army ordered the evacuation of the Tuffah, Old City and Daraj neighborhoods...
The left-wing New Popular Front (NFP) coalition has won the French parliamentary elections without...
“A “The tide is rising. This time it hasn’t risen high enough, but it...
A NASA astronaut knocks loudly three times on a door and shouts excitedly, “Ready...
DSpeaking in Corrèze, where he was elected deputy with at least 44% of the...
South America, a colossal continent that is home to lush jungles, imposing mountain ranges...
AAfter the first projections of the French legislative elections that show the alliance as...
The left in France experienced a major electoral upset on Sunday, when it was...
“O The United Kingdom and France said YES to progress and social progress and...
Hamas said on Sunday it is ready to negotiate the release of hostages still...
NIn the aftermath of the turnaround in early legislative elections in France, which gave...
At least five Palestinian journalists have been killed in Israeli attacks in the central...
O The apparent compromise by the Islamist group – which controlled Gaza before triggering...
The Canadian pop star Justin Bieber gave a private concert in India as part...
O Tibet’s head of state and spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, celebrated his 89th...
In Cordoba, Argentina, A thief was seriously injured after being run over by a...
“O President [da África do Sul] Cyril Ramaphosa congratulated Keir Starmer on his appointment...
Joe Biden’s presidential re-election bid was in jeopardy Saturday after efforts to move on...
NIn a congratulatory letter dated today, signed by Paul Grod, president of the organization...
Reformist Masud Pezeshkian wins second round of Iran’s presidential election and will become the...
EThese interviews on radio programs in the states of Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, critical to...
The film Mary Poppins, which tells The story of the famous and magical British...
O The announcement was made today by India’s Minister of External Affairs, Vinay Kwarta,...
An apparent botched cosmetic procedure claimed the life of a woman in Brazil. This...
O US President Joe Biden reiterated this Friday that he will continue in the...