NIn a post on the social network their lives by supporting civilians in Gaza.”...
“AThe forces of the 36th Division gained operational control in the Shejaiya neighborhood [na...
David Kozak, 24, was identified as the perpetrator of the shooting that killed at...
NIn his bankruptcy filing, the former mayor of New York listed almost 153 million...
O The Qinghai government said in recent hours that the death toll in the...
NIn a message published on the social network The shooter, a 24-year-old man, was...
ARelations between the two countries “are at a turning point. Faced with the choice...
O The incident occurred at 3:50 pm on Wednesday (7:50 am in Lisbon) when,...
AAuthorities in Qinghai province said in recent hours that the death toll had risen...
A The World Health Organization (OMG) said this Thursday that the north of the...
A WHO announced that the R21 vaccine will join its list of “prequalified vaccines”,...
CCharles Donohoe was the second Proud Boy to plead guilty to conspiring with other...
O United Nations daily report on the conflict said that infections such as meningitis,...
“A The Spanish Presidency of the Council and the European Parliament have reached agreement...
O Hamas leader, Ismail Haniyeh, has already arrived in Cairo, where he will hold...
O The General Court of the EU, according to a statement, today dismissed the...
O The earthquake occurred at 9:46 am (01:46 am, in Lisbon) and the epicenter...
O Iran and its ally, Russia, rejected the accusations of the three European countries,...
“O The power of the eruption that began around four hours ago appears to...
AAuthorities rescued a boat, about 15 kilometers east of the capital of the Canaries,...
O Monday’s United Nations daily report was not released due to electricity cuts in...
A The Serbian opposition coalition against violence (SPN) remains far behind, with 23% of...
CFive children died following a house fire in Arizona, United States, authorities announced on...
“AOur armed forces have detected what is believed to be a long-range ballistic missile...
UA car crashed, on Sunday night, into a van belonging to US President Joe...
EThis year was the hottest ever, according to the European Earth observation service Copernicus....
O Hamas’ Health Ministry spokesman said Wednesday that the army fired into patient rooms...
“VWe want to learn the lessons,” said Netanyahu, in a statement on Israeli television,...
“TAll we get, time and time again, are dead hostages. Our demand is not...
“AThe provinces of Matanzas, Havana (west), Santiago de Cuba, Granma and Guantánamo (east) are...