Six weeks after the violent attack by a large group of migrants at a...
Salted foods always make adults happy. Even kids love it! Great delight for a...
O The fire, which started on Tuesday night, is raging in a wooded area...
Germany is weakening. At the end of July, the International Monetary Fund revised its...
Pascale Ferrier, the Canadian woman who sent a ricin-laced letter to Donald Trump in...
Chancellor Olaf Scholz wants to end the dispute in the coalition quickly. “We will...
See the rest of this article below Suggested video What products are in season...
Make a practical recipe for a main dish with a very special flavor today....
A warning sounds: “Caution! We have an emergency. If we don’t do anything now,...
See the rest of this article below Suggested video What products are in season...
Dfter Stian Jenssen, chief of staff of NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, came to...
Transfer spending of more than 600 million euros, top salaries of 50 to 200...
Who can resist a raincake? With or without stuffing it’s impossible to resist! Check...
See the rest of this article below Suggested video What products are in season...
Sai quella pasta surgelata, che è costosa? Oggi imparerai come realizzarlo in modo facile ed...
CIted by the France-Presse agency, the Association of Activists for Human Rights in Iran...
Researchers have found that the sun is emitting more gamma rays than previously thought....
The catering operators are concerned. They have just survived the effects of the corona...
End each day’s lunch or dinner or special occasions with care. See tips at...
SAccording to the Efe news agency, the announcement was made by the UN envoy...
See the rest of this article below Suggested video What products are in season...
Hot and humid air is currently lying over the middle and south of Germany....
“A my wife Jill [Biden] and I will go to Hawaii as soon as...
Saxony’s head of government Michael Kretschmer is right about one thing: the federal government...
The combination of cheese and bacon is irresistible! At the next meal, surprise the...
See the rest of this article below Suggested video What products are in season...
Pyongyang said Travis King, a soldier in the US Armed Forces, confessed to having...
Ukraine update in the evening: Ukraine makes an important breakthrough in the south –...
Quick and easy dessert recipe is always welcome, isn’t it? Check out this delight...
While devastating forest fires are destroying cities and land areas in one part of...