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Scopri come preparare in casa un’insalata di ceci fresca e deliziosa! È perfetto per il...
“A“Women are more aware,” explained Zhao Hua, a 28-year-old Chinese woman from Beijing, to...
Chowever, this number could be much higher, as it does not include the 8,000...
Delicious! Excellent cold dessert option to surprise the family. Ingredients 1 can of drained...
“OThe United States and the United Kingdom, with their military actions in the region,...
See the rest of this article below Suggested video What products are in season...
NIn his message at the Sunday Angelus in St. Peter’s Square, in the Vatican,...
A simple and easy-to-make cake, this cake is much appreciated for late afternoon snacks....
“VWe want to discuss how we can act in a coordinated way. Some Member...
O former president of Russia and current vice-president of the country’s Security Council, Dmitry...
In addition to special lactose-free syrups, here you will also find syrups for cakes,...
Ahe health authorities in Gaza, controlled by the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, have already...
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SAccording to the same source, the suspect “clearly suffers from psychiatric problems”. The attacker,...
“Jovens, look for the truth in everything without letting yourself be influenced by current...
How about this bold and nutritious egg recipe? Hmmm… different flavor! Ingredients 1 bunch...
See the rest of this article below Suggested video What products are in season...
“Without the agreement, there was a real danger that the European Union (EU) would...
With banana or peanuts? Two oatmeal cookie recipes for you to make for your...
Scopri come realizzare una ricetta che sostituisca il tuo pane, per rendere la tua...
O Spanish Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez, got involved in a small controversy with the...
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DTwo French aid workers died in a Russian attack in the Kherson region of...
“The preliminary investigation opened by the police on January 31 (…) was taken over...
Which one to choose? The traditional or the lemon one? Both are delicious! Check...
This gourmet recipe for frangipane pancakes is the perfect compromise between Epiphany and Candlemas
See the rest of this article below Suggested video What products are in season...
A The complaint was made by a spokesman for the Ukrainian military secret services,...
Whether fried or baked; It’s impossible to resist a chicken snack! Delicious! Ingredients 2...
“A magnitude of cancer is rising”, said Freddie Bray, head of the cancer surveillance...